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Connecting the dots… are you paying attention to your signs?!

If you look at this image .. What do you see?WOW THOUGHT!!

Today on FB, one of the question was to post the picture that is in front of you. I was sitting at my work desk… I took a picture of what you see above and posted it. I am always reflecting on my thoughts and words and actions. Often I have the ability to catch them before long and often I have to be just be content with the thought of being able to do it better next time. Well! I went through the same point of reflection. This image has a code in it. I see it. I am sure some of you will see it too. There is a lesson in there.

SO here is what hit me on the head!!!

We all look for signs in our lives. Universe starts to show them all the time.. and then we get side tracked or simply not pay attention. Within this picture, my awareness says to me… what do you see Joy? I said a keyboard and a pencil and a base of the computer screen. The answer went as a ripple and returned with a fine response.

When we face life and it does not flow as intended, pay attention to my signs. With this as an example, I will now remember even more to pay attention to the signs. The sign that showed me the reflection to my inner conscious dialogue. Amidst challenges we face, confrontations, hardships and more. Amidst challenges we find courage, trust, faith and strength too.

I was shown this image as to how I can re-create and/or re-write my life. Even though where I am, I am very proud of it. I am “thankful” for each life lesson thus far. Bitter, Sweet, Sour or Mixed, I have always learned from life.

Universe showed this sign out loud to me… I heard, Look Joy! there are function keys.. there is a backspace key… there are parenthesis keys… there is enter key and there is insert key.. there is delete key… and there is the SHIFT key… and above all there is a pencil with an eraser on it. I was in awe with this subtle fine awareness. My brain was adding all these signs together. WOW! I said WOW! There we are creators of our own destiny, our own pathways, our own reality. There is nothing more and there is nothing less. We are what we choose to be. We are successful – RIGHT NOW RIGHT WHERE WE ARE.

This is being shown –

To let go of anything that holds you back, give it a slack, use the backspace key.

Anything that does not work right, use the function key if necessary. 

Put things in perspective, use parenthesis, highlight the important aspects.

Enter all that is of value, as you do it, use insert and delete to make essential adjustments.

SHIFT the vibration, you cannot make successful life if you do not shift in the right vibration, so shift your vibration.

Above all, when we get a chance, we must put our dreams on a vision board the old fashion way, USE the tools such as pencil with an eraser, and get to work, let your creative juices flow, get wild with your imagination, THE UNIVERSE will respond.

The Law of Attraction, dictates, thoughts are energy in motion, our thoughts attract what in turn becomes our experience as a reality. I got a postcard in the mail today, affirming my sign yet once again, that my life is shifting, shifting for the best, because I deserve the best. The postcard quoted –

Postcard Quote

Living by example and leading by example is the best way to be. However, along the way don’t forget to see the signs and reflect on them. They just might be speaking to you, in a very subtle way.

Joy Sagar is an intuitive, psychic, medium and Vedic astrologer based in Cassadaga,Florida, available for private and phone consultations.



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