From my lens…again!
From my lens…
Oh boy where do I start… life is good!
I get to walk my talk every day. No bargains. No discounts.
Books keep finding me…
Nature keeps giving me subject to practice photography…
Spirit keeps amazing me…
Gratitude keeps giving me reason to talk about it more…
Excuses after excuses… reasons after reasons…
Life gets gooder than good and goodest than gooder..
Page 23 from the book “Living the Wisdom of the Tao” by Dr. Wayne Dyer reads… “I suspend my belief in the opposites by seeing myself in all.”
Wow… Powerful is life when we are one with everything that exists animate or inanimate. A few turns ago, conversation with Yahweh, led me to see myself in all as one. Being stretched between the opposite, the polarities, I see myself in all. This is becoming a familiar place of co-existence with all.
Hope you are having a powerful human journey while you host a powerful spiritual soul within yourself.
xo – Joy Sagar
Find out more about Joy Sagar