From My Lens… May 1st, I shall spring on Gratitude.

I ran into one of my many true callings, STORM CHASING. So here is A STORM SHELF. I love storms, the raindrops, and the smell it draws out of the earth, plants, and anything it falls on. I am amused by the way the rain falls. Unfortunately, it rained at a distance, so this storm shelf was far away.

As you can tell, I enjoy learning. I do not mind if someone corrects me if I mix up the names and such. It helps me remember them correctly the next time in most cases. There have been so many who have helped me better myself. THANK YOU for your kindness, I say from my heart.
In addition to immersing myself in nature, I listened to the CHANTING of Gayatri Mantra in the voice of my Guru’s Guru Sri Ram Sharma Acharya from Shantikunj, INDIA. It needs a particular discipline to practice it, which I do not have now, but I can always listen, ONLY LISTEN, as I cannot even chant while listening, so it gets tricky once in a while. That discipline has to do with strict diet stipulations, which is another long story and a process perhaps for another time.
My 1st Guru, Sri Ganesh Shukla (deceased), aka GURUJI, for me. I am grateful for the passing on some small minuscule teachings of Vedic Astrology. I still use it for myself and a few select clients. There are fond memories of my time with him with his tutelage and care. I am grateful.
My 2nd GURU, Sri Madabusi Subramaniam, aka GURUDEV for me. I am grateful for his teachings of Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Kriya Yoga, and Teachings/Satsang on life and Kriya Yoga. He is still alive and sharing his teachings with seekers.
Dr. Warren Hoover (deceased) was a Spiritualist Medium in Cassadaga, Florida. He used to jokingly say to me, “Joy, keep low and fly under the radar.” I think of him occasionally, and I smile. I used to ask him to teach, and he would say, “In Divine Timing and with Divine Order,” but sadly, he never taught. He was quite a personality. Just this simple reminder of a simple memory often allows me to take a moment to observe and offer simple gratitude.
My life is not much different than yours. I strive to keep my face to the Sun in all circumstances. I choose to give gratitude on both ends of the equation, the good and the not-so-good. I am blessed beyond words and I hope that you too are blessed beyond words and then some more. Here are my two questions for you. Where are you in the gratitude game? Did you offer any gratitude today? Some wise folks say gratitude is the key to everything.
Here is a quote I wish to share as I conclude today’s note, “This a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.” Maya Angelou