Go within … a bit deeper than normal.

I had a visit planned with friends. It stayed on course, but some parts of me were in the deeper processing space. I cut short the visit. It was a bit disappointing for me, I am sure it was for them as well, as I was / we were looking forward to this visit for some time.
The hermit in me, has been screaming to make time for me. I must be not paying attention as I usually do. So I retreated in my own space. It is a familiar environment. I have been called here regularly when there is a bigger trajectory is being instilled. Not usually sure, what this would be, nonetheless it is, so I pay attention.
So, the work continues, and the show must go on.
The deeper unseen part of the universe continues to create. The humans continue to create their version of reality. It is like two different forces at work against each other. Like it has been said, the nature knows how to reset itself. Humans, seldom do now know how to unless they have been shoved against or shoved into circumstances beyond their control.
We all live and learn. Nature does the same. It knows its power. It recognizes its strength. It knows its momentum and what it can create for and against itself. The beauty in this thought is incredible.
Know thyself, Know thy nature, Know that you are nature, you can make yourself, & you can break yourself. When you integrate with your disintegration, you create something new, and something spectacular. You create a FORMIDABLE NEW YOU.
Wishing us all well to be well with your constant creation/recreation!
Written by Joy Sagar