Inspiring Update!!!
This is an update to my previous two blogs… For some it might be TMI but for some it may just be that small inspiration to put themselves at the level of revolutionizing their health.
I have definitely found myself to be #glutenintolerant since I have eliminated gluten products from my diet for 99.4567%. I am not feeling bloated. My production of gases is low. My “BM”‘s are regulated. The feeling or gentle soreness is absent from my abdomen. I have observed since gluten & carbs have been absent… I have craved less and less for sugars or sugary delights. I have kept distance with candies and desserts.. Only used them on social occasions.
I have not consumed #coffee for at least 2.5 weeks. It has done me good. Every now and then I catch myself looking for #starbucks but on the inside there is no yearning.
Weight is dropping off slowly and surely yet steadily. With an added spurts of brisk walking and light weights being included in the routine as I can. I am a ball of energy. I have endurance to work, work, play and feel less exhausted. I have lost weight and I have gone from 235 lbs to 223 lbs in almost 6/7 weeks, the good part is it is staying.
I hope this helps to motivate you/us to keep trying until we succeed in being healthy.
Best Wishes! from Joy…
Joy Sagar is a medium, intuitive, psychic practicing based in Cassadaga, Florida, feel free to call him @ 386.479.5225 OR email @ for private or group sessions.