Life is SUPER…
Life is SUPER…
This past few days have been very interesting…Life is super if you see it as a kaleidoscope. Each experience is beautiful and unique. There are endless possibilities.
I had to break my vegetarian fast. No feeling of guilt or a feeling of making the wrong call but only a little sadness that I could not follow through with it. I started to be a vegetarian not for dietary reasons but for my personal quest. In the course of time I had to curb my cravings many a times. I was a winner all those time because I could ignore those cravings very easily. Christmas Day as I was sitting in a contemplative state, the thoughts and cravings returned. I had to go within and seek what was the moral of all this. Few peers shared it must be your physical body that is indicating and giving you signs and there were more suggestive ideations. But the inner voice said, the timing is not right, this must be reversed to preserve stillness. How? I asked. Since this is creating turbulance in my calmness and serenity, this must be addressed and the only way to address this for now is to allow myself to follow the course of life. There will be another time and place for me to return to a “non-meat eating” phase. In the light of my aspirations to achieve something I must allow to synchronize myself to the universe, listen to the inner guidance and go with the flow. Lesson well noted and addressed. Life is SUPER.
Another instance, It was a great dinner at a local restaurant in Deland, FL. The server was pleasant. The adjacent guests were hilarious. We pitched jokes amongst each other. It was great. As I was leaving the restaurant, I stopped at the cashiers desk. Another group of happy workers. We made light of things and continued to check out. Then, all of a sudden I heard, “You work at the gas station, right?” I was like, ME. I turned around and looked as I thought there was someone behind me that was being addressed. But NO it was ME that was addressed. I quickly returned the response, “did you just profile me?”. I started to laugh. Honestly, I was not one bit offended. It was hysterical. I was chuckling on all the explanations I got following that. We bid goodbye and I left. I was still laughing. I could have been upset, that thought came across my mind but I asked myself, what for? and I laughed some more. Life gives us opportunities to test us, shall we say. It is up to us to make light of it or get bent out of shape. I thanked GOD for giving me a sense of humor. Life is SUPER.
Today was unusual, kind of. I got questioned at lunch time. Do you speak Hindi? I said yes, Do you still speak hindi? I said yes but not frequently. The next question put me on the spot. Speak something in Hindi, I was asked. I was like ummm, aaaa, oooo darn I cannot speak Hindi on command anymore. Was I embrassed? Yes perhaps just 1%. It is obvious for me to loose my command of my native language. I have almost no one around me to converse in my native language. I read it. I can understand it. I can write it(maybe). I just cannot speak it fluently. There is no one around me to speak my language. Part of the conversation reiterated some aspect that is obvious to me. In that instance, life played out like a super fast slide show of all the people that are relevant and important in my life. It also highlighted the bonds we make out of social and cultural expectations. It exponentially marked the importance of human connection with one another. We truly do not have to be connected genetically to form the bonds of love and relationships. The loved ones that surround me in the physical and in the spiritual life are bonded with me in all form of ties. These ties are mostly formed with unconditional love, from heart to heart, from soul to soul. Another lesson from the universe for me, we all have same opportunities to create the bond with another being so that we do not limit ourselves. We are capable to create our bonds and relationships from our hearts. Lesson learned and point noted. Life is SUPER.
What experiences did you had in these past few days that make you say life is SUPER?