Oh! Sunflower you move me…
Oh! Sunflower do you know you fascinate me,
Just like you move with the Sun you move me,
The yellow in you Brightens the universe,
You make me Smile when I feel adverse,
Sunflower you are just not a flower you are diverse,
From you I learn I have many roles in this Universe,
You connect with the Sun as it shines in the Sky,
There is a Smile in my Heart as I look up in the Sky,
Often I think of my loved ones gone by,
Mom, Dad and many more twinkling stars,
Memories are like lightening bugs in jars,
They come and go, They come and go,
Joy in my Heart is the only arrow in my bow,
Memories, Memories, Memories are all we hold,
Highlights, Italics and some are even bold,
Pain, Sorrow, bring Courage and Serenity,
Embrace yourself as you let go of self-pity,
Oh! Sunflower do you know you fascinate me,
Every time you move with the Sun you move me.
Written by Joy Sagar 08/14/2013
More about Joy Sagar