Strolling in the past and the present…
Today was one of those visits where I had to live my talk. Be present. Be mindful. Be in the now.
Woke up excited for today, I was going to PORT ORANGE Library for a presentation. It went well. Those that did attend seemed to have enjoyed it. Following that made a cognizant choice to drive to St. Augustine. Fair to Great choice any given day for me.
St. Augustine… one of my most favored places to be. I love walking up and down the streets of St. Augustine. I have my reasons to feel drawn to this place. First, Historic Frequencies & rest is energy. I first visited here in 2003 and then periodically on and off.
Once I arrived here… In the middle of the day, the town felt full, somewhat tired or worn out. There were visitors and residents occupying the streets, shops, Fort, beaches etc. Nothing new there, the town attracts a lot of visitors.
The longer I walked and looked around… I felt a little off, or different for lack of better term. As I investigated to see why I was feeling that way. The following is my discovery.
OVER COMMERCIALIZATION! Everything is focused towards tourism. One time the streets and alleyways were adorned by natural shrubs and plants are taken over by straight lines, coats of paint, layers of asphalt and concrete. Shops are filled with products to the max and slightly overpriced. The Spirit of the town felt weakened.
I wonder what are all the Pioneers are thinking while they see all these changes.
I had to pull myself in the here and now. This is it. Cannot change this. I have to accept where I stand. What and how I feel. Unbiased and Non-Judgmental. I am at peace with it now. Because that is what is everyone chasing, this moment of pleasure and comfort, this moment of exhilaration and so and so forth.
My place of refuge… Present Moment Cafe ! I enjoy my visits here too. I feel this has become a place of reason to be in St. Augustine. Delicious food. Cucumber water. Coconut water. Delicious Beyond Burger – Vegan and delicious (Macro Burger is still a ROCKSTAR). Warm Pecan Apple Cobbler is yum.
My other must stop shops are: OLD CITY HAMMOCKS // GRACE World Folk Art Gallery // The Pearl Shop
I will return to St. Augustine. Just to be present with a reminder from the Creator, that nothing ever remains the same. Even the grains of sand move when the westwards wind blow. I must not change who I am however I must adapt change with time.
Blessings Be — Joy Sagar
Joy Sagar is a Spiritual Medium, Psychic, Healer and Teacher. Please click on his name to learn more about him and his work.
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