Triple AAA…but wait
Excerpt from Sunday Talk @ Peoples Church – Heart for Souls!
As I drove off my driveway to speak at The Spiritualist Church in Daytona Beach. I had my listening ears on. Not the physical ears but the inner ears. Inner Ears were ON to receive Spirit Communication and so was I.
I heard, we will talk about Triple A. Not the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Not the Car thingy AAA.
This AAA goes like this. A for Attention. A for Attraction. A for Awareness.
The long and short of the talk is “Attraction follows where attention goes and with awareness we can manifest either good or bad, better or worse.” Follow this link and you will find the talk (starts at 29:00) …
Hope you Enjoy!
Joy Sagar is Spiritual Medium, Healer, Psychic, and a Speaker based in Cassadaga, FL. Click here for more information.