What to do when you are up at 1:49AM and cannot seem to fall back to sleep?
What to do when you are up at 1:49AM and cannot seem to fall back to sleep?
- Listen if there is a flow of inspiration.
- Get out of bed.
- Fix your morning beverage.
- Pay attention.
- Silence is often our bff, say hello to your deeper-self.
In my case, read a book, then write notes, then share…
Excerpt from the book .. “The Gift of Healing” by Ambrose and Olga Worrall from Chapter 1 – Vision, page 23 (This was written in the year 1965.)
“In our healing work Olga and I report only what we have experienced, we admit, at once, that there is much that has happened. We know that we are dealing in largely unexplored, little understood areas, spiritual arenas, psychic forces.
Interpretations that may be put upon these experiences vary according to an individuals concepts and levels of thinking. The way in which any healing takes place is mysterious, and more so than in spiritual therapy. We do not know the actual mechanical and chemical agents and physical reactions called into play. We believe this is the field we must investigate, not only in private groups and healing rooms, not only in our churches and prayer cells, but equally through the laboratory, the test tube, the microscope.”
I add…
Olga & Ambrose Worrall worked with many visitors who came to seek their faculties of healing for many years. They never accepted patients or clients who refused to accept care from Physicians and modern medicine. They believe doctors and medicine to be an instruments of God’s Healing.
I believe this myself, we all compliment each other, and by doing so the healing do take place. At the end of the day, the gratitude received is not to our own glory but indeed to the higher divine sources that choose to work with us and those who seek.
There has been a lot of changes since then in the field of spiritual, energy healing. Much more has been discovered since then. Yet, truthfully the secret to Spiritual Healing is simple, yet undiscovered, undefinable, unmeasurable other than it is effective.
We are all natural-born healers. Some just do it with natural instincts of listening to ourselves and others, by exercising kindness and compassion towards each other, etc. Some just give in to the forces of life and tune it out, or become numb to their own sensory cues, life is too large.
Being a victim, can feel better, it allows us all to feel justified and let it be a reason to how we respond to it. Being a martyr can be a good feeling place too. However, there is always an even better feeling place within ourselves. We must tap into our deeper sensitive, feeling place and palpate what is our higher potential.
Within the higher realms of the Spirit World, there are Physicians, Educators, Healers, Councilors, Caregivers, Nursing Professionals, Trainers, and more available for our access, for our benefit, for our advantage.
Often, prayer is a good way to start the dialogue and follow the cues. Often, meditation is a good way to sit and receive the response for our questions or concerns. Often, taking massive action, resulting in change is just as beneficial as a small steps towards your own well-being.
Trust, is a significant part of the healing process. Trust, when an experience occurs in our lives, that it is there for a purpose. Often the purpose may not be relatable directly to us, often the purpose within it maybe something we need to learn first, then to share that experience to facilitate growth and change not only for ourselves but for others. Trust there is a higher purpose within everything.
Believe, is another aspect of healing process. Believe, everything always resolves in natural order, unless we interject our own motives and will, and convolude it. Our Mind or Brain and the firing of reasons within our psyche, and the desire or the want to often find meaning to everything, complicates the experience more than what it calls for. Believe, that everything is in divine order and it will resolve in a divine timing.
Receiving, is also a crucial part of healing process. Not everything that will come through as an inspiration or guidance will make sense at all times. This is where our ability to be in-tune with ourselves comes into play. Our body has a built in compass that is usually pretty accurate. It tells us to sleep, rest, eat, eliminate, absorb, laugh, grieve etc. in a natural organic manner. One must learn to receive the cues from this compass well.
Additionally, when we are given clues or suggestions to help ourselves, pay attention and listen and follow through to investigate the details. Receiving divine guidance is and always a blessing.
We are all divine beings. We are all related and representative of the same divine source in different tags, forms, shapes and sizes. Upon the closure of our human chapters, we remain to be a significant part of the same book.
Others gone before us have reminded us numerous times that, We are ONE. We are all in this together. We are all connected.
Have a #TerrificTuesday! — Joy Sagar #JoyOfCassadaga
More about Joy Sagar – Spiritualist Medium, Psychic, Healer, Teacher and Speaker